
We are


We Hope to contribute with all our efforts in the establishment of a unique scientific community stands for Biotechnology in Egypt. A powerful enough community to achieve progress and visionary future planning supports this country in the terms of life quality and independency.

Founder. Taha A. Taha


Our Vision

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    Professors' Saying
    We are happy to become the partner of Hundreds of Doctors.
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    About Us

    About EAGEBT
    The Egyptian Association for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology is an Egyptian scientific association and a registered civil organization officially recognized by the ministry responsible for community work in the Arab Republic of Egypt. It is registered under number 12011 on November 30, 2023, in accordance with Law 149 of the year 2019. Its geographical scope of work covers the entire republic, specializing in cultural, scientific, economic development, environmental protection, and conservation, as well as the field of organization and management.
